Today is Tueday and eventhough its a lecture day, but none of my lecturers are coming in for lectures since they have some matters to busy themselves with. So I guess its a holiday for us TESL today ^_^ Yeah!! A day off....XD hmmm but its such a boring day as well since I have ntg to do.
I guess I should go down to KK again to kill time. I cant do anything in my room as well also since there was a short circuit blackout on the second floor which was the floow where I was staying currently. Gosh!!! No electrity, no fan, cant online, its better to be outside then being inside the boring room lol!!!
Since one of my coursemate, Nazrin invited me to go to KK, so I decided to follow him since I have nothing to do as well in Kent. We going to visit the Hollywood Music Store in Karamunsing!!! I love music, so at the same time I do love musical instruments as well!!!! Hahhaa browsing and looking at musical intruments shop is one of my hobbies. So I guess why not take a look there since I had never visit that shop before. I plan to get an electric guitar in the future lol...But after I master the skills of playing a guitar...Guess I still have a long way to learn it huh....Hmmm... ^_^
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago
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