Its true that I love my single life for now but I cant be single forever right ? In the end I still need to find my other soul mate to be with me until death pull us apart also. Sometimes loneliness can really pierce you like a knife stabbing your flesh. Well as the saying goes, no man is an island right ?? Hahaha..
Well I dont have high expectations of the qualities my future girlfriend had. Well if it is possible, I really hope my girlfriend would eventually be my wife as well. But its kinda hard to find a relationship that would last long till marriage right ? I seen many couples broke up after being together for so long. Well I was wondering when will I met the right girl tough ?? Still kinda of waiting for her to appear at the moment hehehehe X)
Well there are certain qualities that my future girlfriend should like, its just simple though and not demanding. They are:
1. If possible, a teacher.
Well there are some reasons why I would want my future girlfriend and wife to be a teacher though.
First thing is teachers has a lot of school holidays and they come back from work early unlike other occupations. So the time that can be used for family time would be a lot and for sure I would like to spend a lot of time with my wife and children as well right. Family time to me, is important because I want to have a stable family and I want my children to be loved and to be cared as much as me and my wife can give. Well if my wife and me have the same occupation, we can understand each other's level of stress or hardship faced in work so I can sit down together with her and discuss or talk about it when we face problems or stress. Understanding is also important for a married couple for me. ^__________^
2. Perhaps a Dusun or a Kadazandusun Christian ??
Hehehe well I came from a mixed family. My father is a chinese while my mother is a bidayuh. So I guess I don really care if I would married a dusun or a kadazandusun girl. Hahha since I be in Sabah for a long time, so I guess I just go for it. I had take a great interest in the dusun anda kadazandusun culture recently. Quite interesting. And I think that they are nice people and their language is also interesting as well. Well, hopefully I can meet a dusun or kadazandusun christian girl soon ...^____^
Besides Sabah is not far from Sarawak, so I dont want my girlfriend or wife to be people from semenanjung. I prefer Sabah and Sarawak only. Well I do have my reasons why though.... XD
3. Love or Money
Well this question is always the question I would throw to the girls I met. Hahaha, I dunno why I asked them but I just want to hear their answer about this question. I dont want a girl who loves my money and enjoys living a materialistic life. I just want a simple girl who can love me and care for me, taking good care of the family, not eyeing at my money or being materialistic. Even if I am not rich, I would do my best to earn as much income as I can to support my family for sure. I dont want my family to live without food, money and shelter. I want them to live well for sure...^____^
4. Must be a Christian
This point is the most important thing. She must be a Christian. I dont care what Christian is she as long as she is a Christian. I dont want a Muslim because I would need to convert my religion if I do so and my name would be changed as well. I knew my parents would support me if I marry a Christian and not a muslim. I dont want to be a muslim!!!
I wish for a relationship which puts God as the centre. I think this is important as well since I knew God would not be please if I neglect God, and put my future gf and wife first. I dont want that. That is why, I want to practice Christian courship with my future girlfriend and wife. ^_____________^
Not the typical relationships which most couples usually do.
6. Haha well all the above can still change from time to time right.Well I know its really hard to find a girl as perfect as the above, but I just leave it to God then. Hopefully I can meet with a girl who has the above qualities. Recently, I found one actually but she is just my friend now, I dont know if she can be my girlfriend or not, but let times prove everything. I just surrender it to God though. I do have a crush on her but I guess crushes are just crush. Its just a crush, its not love ...^______________^ Hopefully you will be my girl friend and eventually my wife in the future....^_________________________________^
Hahaha...I think that is all la, simple right ??....Well still waiting for her to come...Hopefully she will appear soon. I think I spotted a girl who is a friend of mine who match these qualities but I still dont know if she is the one for me though. Well I just leave it to God to decide and see how things go then.
The end....^_________^
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago
Good luck ^.^ God will make a way~
Hehehe I found someone already that fits all but hopefully God keeps us together always...^_^
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