Well I have been home for about almost three weeks already. I just dont know why I cant sleep well on my own bed anymore in my house. Hmmm wonder what had happen to me already...Well I tend to have sleepless nights with dreams on and on...Maybe one thing is I lack of exercise so I tend to go to sleep with a lot of energy and two, I sleep late...LOL...
When people dreams, it means that we are actually not sleeping well and is in a half awake mode. Means we are actually half asleep. When we get out, our head tends to get so painful and our eyes starts to get heavy and droopy even after a night's sleep. Well I dont even know if I was sleeping the whole night especially yesterday night until this morning. Now I felt so sleepy and I had too much dreams last night. LOL....
Well the weird dream that I kinda remember this was I was teleported to one of my friends house in Sabah. She is a girl though. Hehehe I saw her uncle first. He told me the rest of the members of the house were actually there also. Then I realize her father was there, but I dont saw her mother, hmm wonder why, some of her nephews and nieces and also her grandmother. Well its such a funny dream. When I walk up to shake hands with her father, he takes off his spectacles LOL...Wonder why he did that though. Then we tend to like cook lots of food for some sort of ceremony. The cooking place was just behind the living room. Weird right ??? LOL and lots of food were cooked and put in front of the television like some sort of worshipping ritual LOL...just so blur why I think so though..Hmm the most weird part is my parents were there too and they seem to come by car. I mentioned just now right that I teleported to my friends house. Well in dreams, anything is possible right ??? ^_^
Hmmm well dunno what does this dream means though...Well its funny and weird actually...Wish I can sleep well the next few days. The holidays are almost at a end and I had been home for about two and half weeks already. Its the 15th of June this month and I had to fly back on the 19th of June. School will start to reopen on the 20th of June. Argh!! More stress will come! Just by looking at the time table makes me so stressful already. My exam result will also be announced on the 20th. Hmm hopefully I can get a pass at least. Dont really want to repeat my exam though. Hmmmm but the happy thing that happens is my college gets new TRAINEES!! Means JUNIORS!! XD haha TESLS in IPG Kent was alone all this while but not this new semester anymore. We got a bunch of juniors to take care now so I think with the enlargement of our big Language Department family, we can do more fun activities together now....^_^ Looking forward on that day. Still worried about my result though...Well I could just pray right...
Hmmm gonna finish the rest of my holidays well. Eat lots of mum's food and go out for walks and shopping centres till I get bored. Well I learned dancing recently but it does not go well. Still struggling to learn dancing..Hehehhe well wish me luck! See you all again in the next post...^_^ Ciao! Tata!! XD
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago
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