Hahaha today I ate KFC for the first time in the year 2011!! LOL I know its funny to be excited bout things like this, but guess what ?? Who cares ???? XD X)...I never actually plan to eat KFC today but since one of my friend, Jamlee, invited me to go with him to KFC since he was craving for it so much!!! Gosh!!! Since I have not taken my dinner as well, I decided to go with him. Actually I had no appetite to eat at all but since he has decided to bring me out, so I guess I just go right ?? Hahha anyway I become hungry when he suddenly invited me to go to KFC. LOL gosh means this will involve $$$$ and yet I had spend so much on Sunday already.
KFC Tuaran has a new dinner plate set today. I guess its been a while since I went to KFC. The last time I went was last year's November. Hmm guess its 3 months ago...LOL...The only thing change in the dinner plate menu was the addition of round fish fillets with mayonnaise sauce. Yummy2!!! Since I never eat it before, so I guess I should give it a try. Its good to taste something new sometimes right ??? XD
The remains of the snack plate...Full!!!...^_^
I guess this is the only thing I can share for today, lol I know it sounds lame but at least its my first time eating KFC in the 2011 right ?? ...^_^ Its 12.12am already and I have not sleep yet. I was writing this blog in my class since the 2nd floor which is where I am living now has a short circuit problem so means I would have to live without electricity until someone comes and repair it!!! Feeling quite exhausted and sleepy already. Guess I should be getting ready for bed..Night night...Osonong Totuong..^_^
P.S: I be posting more posts these few days, so just be patient ya...I be sharing more posts about myself for the coming few days..Hope you all enjoy reading it ya...Hopefully my post don bored you at all...XD X) XP....^_^
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago
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