Its Friday again and its the weekends!! My favourite days of the week were Friday, Saturday and Sunday!! Hmm that day was just a normal day. Except that I am going to KK again to kill time in the afternoons since it was such a boring day and I be busy again the next day. So I consider it as a treat for me to take my day off. Hehehhe...
In KK, I went to Centre Point to watch a movie all by myself. (Oh ya I forget to mention that I love walking around KK alone X) ). Haha I found out that walking alone in KK is a lot more fun and better than walking with friends. Walking with friends tends to waste my time since I cant go to the places I want to go and do what I want since I need to wait for them to finish their business in some shops and then wait again for everyone to gather then we can move on. Gosh I came to KK to play, not to waste my time hanging out with them without doing the things I want to do and go the places I wan to go. Its such an annoying thing to do!!
There was once I experience this kind of situation. I went to KK with a couple of friends and then end up doing nothing and did not go to the place I want, did not do the things I want as I need to wait for them to finish all their matters before I can do mine. Time passes by so fast that it was at the end of the day already when they had finished all their business!!! Gosh!!! And the thing is, I did not even do anything!!!! I just follow them like a dog following its master! I did not do the things I like, I did not go to the places I want to go!! Its really a waste of time hanging out with them when I cant enjoy anything at all! So my point here is, walking around KK alone is much better!! Actually I am fine having just a friend to accompany me walking around in KK. At least we can do things in twos and if he or she has something to do, it wont take long since there were only the two of us. I love having a company with me when I walk around KK actually. I wont feel lonely and he or she can keep me accompany hehehe. Just one friend though! One!!
Returning to my trip in KK, I watched a movie called ''The Mechanic''. Hmm this movie is about people hired to kill other peoples. Guess its just a bloody movie where an assasin just killed people without knowing it huh. X) The movie was quite ok for me though it was not such a nice movie after all. It was ok. Compare to movies like 'The Green Hornet' which I watched with my friend, Zell last week, this movie fail to amused me and it did not really satisfy my taste at all LOL... Movies that I think are best were How To Train Your Dragon, Prince of Persia, Clash of The Titans and Resident Evil 4: At Words End. These kind of movies really satisfy my taste and they give me a feeling of excitement when I watched them! In terms of genre, I love movies which are the comedy and action type. Only these two though. Romance and horrow are not my cup of tea. I don like romance and horrow since romance makes me realize I am still single and the actor and actresses in the romance movie are in love and I never had a girl friend in my whole life. Really makes me think that I am such a pathetic guy. As for horrow, I had a trauma last time when I watched Ju-On 1 & 2 and I ended up cant sleep at all for a wekk!! Gosh a week!!! Well I was still young that time and immature so guess its normal to be scared of movies like that. LOL!!..
After movies, I went to fill my stomach with food. When I hang out with Zell last time in CP, I cant manage to try the chicken porridge sold in Palm's Cafe, a cafe which was introduced by Zell to me. It was located on the CP Town Square floor. I ate chicken porridge there and it really taste nice man!! Haha guess I will try it again each time I went to CP in the future X) ( Thanks Zell for introducing me to that cafe!! ) There was a lot of nice food in that cafe as well and the side tables were arranged so that the customers can look out of the window when they eat and I love to look outside the window while I was eating XD
Finishing my bowl of porridge, I went to get my digital watch which was the 12th or the 13th watch that I had bought so far. Gosh!! I am so clumsy, I just tend to lost my watch each time I bought it!! Hopefully I can change this bad attitude of mind in the future though. It was 6.50pm when I finished buying my watch, and it was time for me to head back to my IP. If I went back late, I would not have any transport to go back home since the last bus was leaving at 8.00pm.
Before I leave though, I bought a couple of waffles and a cup of corn in DailyFresh. My favourite waffle is peanut butter mix with margerine!!! Yum yum, and another waffle filled with Kaya. Hahha guess these waffles will be my dinner for that night huh...
Guess its time to head back to the bus station...I still manage to catch a bus home though. It was 8.45pm when I reached IP Kent. It was such a tiring day but I manage to enjoy myself and spend my personal time alone. That was all that matters... ^_________________^
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago
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