Thank God I manage to finish my BM Komunikatif KKP...I have really no idea what am I doing for this KKP. Guess its been 4 years since I have my BM lessons lol..Guesss its rusty now ha...LOL anyway the feeling of completing it is so good..Its like a stone being lifted off my back...fuh...
As for the Moral Fellowship, I manage to lead it well I think. LOL I just think I did give my best that is all!! XD Yeah good job Matt!! hahaha. Hmm it was not so bad at all even though I manage to prepare all the things yesterday. Hahahhaa...guess I'm good in doing last minute work (lol dont mean to brag but this is how things are always, I manage to get good results from all my last minute work XP ) Everyone seems to enjoy the Moral Fellowship and learn something from it, so I guess I can call it an ok then X)
Hmmm after cooling down my mind by chatting with my friends and texting Zell, I guess I be fine for now. My mind start to calm down, and I think I be fine after a good sleep tomorrow X) Hehehe now I manage to smile and say, tomorrow will be another day. I love smilling, hehe so that is why I love it also when people do smile. Guess Zell does not really smile a lot though, haha but hope she will smile more in the future X) She looks so lovely and beautiful when she smile you know, and it sorts of melt my heart ( ehehehhe X) ) Hahaha not scared to admit it though but she was beautiful man!!! X)
Printing my last assignment and hearing some Taylor Swift songs kind of make me feel more better and better now. Hehehe hope tomorrow will be a better day. As the saying goes, Life is like climbing a hill, we have our ups and downs in life ..^_^
Its midnight, guess I should sleep after finishing my work. Got to move fast, hoping for a better tomorrow, a better me, and a better mood for me. I dont wan to lose my temper or pull a long face tomorrow. I just dont like it when this happens. Hope I wont get mood swings next time XD
Huahahha.... X) ^______________________________^
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago
haha...kembang hidung saya....xDD
Hehehe....LOL don kembang hidung, kembang ur smile like tis....^__________^
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