Well dont know why I feel something is disturbing me tonight.Hmm sometimes I feel sad without any reason, happy, then sad again...then comes senstivie..I wonder what is wrong with me. Lord, please tell me what is wrong with me. Well this is the first time I felt like this. Gosh, I just dont like this feeling at all...
Since there was no work, so I felt bored. I'm bored going online, watching movies, and just feel bored doing anything at all. I guess I am just bored with my life that is all. The routine of my life is always the same during weekdays. Wake up, bath and brush teeth, iron my lecture clothes. attend lectures, come back eat, sleep, wake up online and so on. Sometimes I just wish someone would take me away from my college and bring me go somewhere and play. Well I dont own a car since my parents would not buy me one, huhuuhu. Guess I just need to stick in my boring room and let time pass by.
Well life is kinda boring. But if we know how to decorate it with beautiful things, life would be so much prettier and more fun and meaningful. I guess I just need to learn how to make my life more interesting then. Maybe books ?? I did plan to start my reading habbits again but today I fail since lazyness overpower me today. Hahaha well I do admit I am a lazy boy. Well maybe I should just sleep early. When I wake up again, I would feel fine and be ready to face my boring life again. Lord, fill me always with Your love and teach me to appreciate life the way You want me to. Amen.
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago
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