Its been a while since I was last hurted by the previous girl that I like so much. Well its hard to get over her but as u know, time heals everything. I am quite ok by now and I can manage to face her without feeling hurt at all. The weird thing is I dont know why I feel nothing when I talk to her or when she talk to me. I just feel nothing, no happiness, no sadness, no pain, just nothing, like an empty bottle filled with air.
I guess that is what happens huh after you are being hurt by someone. Hehe anyway it does not really bother me at all. Even though I manage to forgive her in the end, I feel like I am so lazy to talk to her and I dont even bother to talk to her at all. I guess I feel better by doing so. Hehe why bother talking to the person that played with your feelings and hurt you. Anyway she never bother bout how I feel so I guess I should do the same now. Never bother what she is doing, just completely ignoring her would be the best solution.
Well, I am totally ok now. But I just don know why I fall in love with another girl again. Its not a crush though, maybe I do like that girl very much. I had know her for almost a year, Far more longer than the girl who hurt me last year. Hmmm, the thing is I dont even know if I am falling in love with her or was it just my hormones playing with me ? It just started yesterday. Throughout the months that I know her, I never even have any feelings towards her at all. I guess after knowing for a long time, then I realize I had fallen in love with her. I think she is on the same boat too since I told her about it. LOL...Anyway both of us had suffered a bad relationship, so both of us are kinda like a bit freak out to get into another new relationship. We both agreed that from our past experience, things could become the same again, and maybe we would end up killing our friendship.
For sure, I wont want that to happen. So I guess I just wait for another 2 years like that and see what would happen between us. If its quite ok already, why not? Anyway I just leave it to God to decide. I dont know if she is the one for me as well. I am kind of in the dilemma now. So I guess I just need time to think about this and I know she too needs time. I dont really understand what is the true feeling of fallling in love and neither does she later. We both are confuse if we really fall in love with each other.
Therefore, I think the best solution is just pray to God and ask for his guidance. Giving time for each other to think this throughly is also important. I dont want the same thing to happen again and I think she too hopes for the same thing. I dont want to get hurt and I dont want her to be hurt as well. I just cant bear to see her get hurt. Well I guess I just treat her like a friend for now and see how things go.
Hahaha dont know if this is God's will or not, well I know He always prepare something for me after I faced such a painful relationship. Hopefully things will turn out well. Just leave it to God then...^______^
To her: If you are really mine, I am sure God would want us to be together. I will pray for you, and hopefully you will pray for me too...^______________________^
Harga Molecular Sieve Drier di Ady Water
1 month ago