Besides guitars, drums, keyboards, and pianos were sold, Cello, a big kind of violin was sold in there too. But I never bother to look at the price since I know it cause a lot of $$$$$$$$ !!!!! Nah, I am not interested to play it as well....XD music books were also sold there and I was hoping I could find a book on how to pluck a guitar in the shop. But I was disappointed when they said that they do not have such book. Goshhhhhhh :(, Sad.....(sniff sniff) Nevermind, I guess I will found it in the future...^_^ Cheer up Matt!!!!
There was a drum set that caught up my attention. Its a junior drum set and it only cost around RM1020. Quite cheap compare to the big drum set which cost around RM5000. !!!! =.= X)
Junior Drum Set RM 1020 XD (Maybe I get one, one day..XD)
The musical instruments that I saw:
Electric Guitars ( I am putting this on my wishlist XP)
Accoustic Guitars (I have two already by the way ) XD
Hahhaa anyway I was just window shopping in this shop since I have no intention at all of buying anything XD X) XP Hahahhaa....Anyway love the shop!!! Love the musical instruments!!
hye!. erm. sorry actually i cant write very well in English. hehe. . so hope u understand what i meant k. erm. i just read ur post. n now i want to find music class. . i want to learn how to play guitar. so do you know how much to pay if i learn at there? . .
Hehhee I am not orang Sabah jadi x tau sangat pasal tu...Haha mungkin mahal la kali tu sebab tu tempat macam high class sikit...Ko blh suruh kawan2 ajar ba tu, hehee x kan satu kawan pun x pandai main ?? atau ko beli buku guitar dan belajar kordsnya hehe...
wardah, there's a music class near the Jesselton Point. But i think it's only forrrrr kids??? I think :) btw, go check it out k?
Matt, i really2 need to go to hollywood music centre and hoping, i will get a KEYBOARD huhu mahal ka keyboard sana???
yo mat i am wondering what's the average price of the acoustics guitar? :)
Can i knw how much the price of acoustics guitar? And the price of capo...
Can i knw how much the price of acoustics guitar? And the price of capo...
Can i knw how much the price of acoustics guitar? And the price of capo...
Can i knw how much the price of acoustics guitar? And the price of capo...
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